The next meeting of the Spiritual Exploration Group set for June 1

Last month’s Spiritual Exploration brought out some great discussion ideas and topics.  We will continue the discussion of The All by moving into the concept of Grace.  We’ll look at different  definitions and concepts of Grace at work in the world and in our lives and this can extend to looking at Synchronicity and Serendipity.

Please join us Monday, June 1, 2009 at 6:30 pm at LITTLE NEPAL RESTAURANT for dinner & Discussion Not Dogma!

Remember to bring an open mind and heart to this safe conversation where we are all free to express our opinions, questions, thoughts, philosophies and experiences without worrying about how they will be received.

Please call us at 719-272-7873 or Rosemary’s cell: 410-991-6139 or respond to this post to let us know you are coming.  And do feel free to invite your like-minded friends who may be looking for the kind of group we are building.  We’ll be calling the restaurant at noon on Monday to let them know how many to set up for.

How do we talk about…?

One place to start is by considering (meditating?) on the many, many names for “god” that have been used through the ages and through the evolution of human beings and their various religions, spiritual practices and insights. Here are a couple of links which provide enormous lists of names:

This one is a long list, actually a list of lists, from a very unusual web source. There are good links here too. Explore and enjoy!

This one is based on names used in the Judeo/Christian Bible; it seems well researched and not too overwhelmingly evangelical.

As an exercise go through some of these lists and pronounce, out loud, the names of gods and goddesses. Can you find commonalities? How would you characterize and categorize these names?  How do you feel when you read these names and the descriptions of these deities. Trace names through different cultures. How do these names show up in our 21st century cultures?

And, by the way, this is not a required exercise or “homework”! Our discussion may take an entirely different track on Monday.


As April moves to an end, May and our "First Monday" gathering is coming soon!

Our first Monday gathering will be held at Little Nepal restaurant, again at 6:30 pm, on May 4. I hope you can all make it and are bringing guests. Please let us know by noon on Monday so we can let the restaurant know the number joining us. Call Rosemary at work: 272-7873, or mobile: 410-991-6139. Or, if you prefer, just leave a comment here; I’ll check before we make the reservation.

This month we are discussing the many ways to “Talk about God”. And, of course, just by titling this discussion I am already “talking about…” In a later posting I’ll offer some options that have been used through the ages to “name the Nameless.”

We look forward to seeing you all again!