The Next Meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group Is Set for Monday, October 4, 6:30 pm at Little Nepal Restaurant

Last month we explored various methods and means of Spiritual Practice. It was a great discussion and we covered a range of ways people access Spirit, Self, Higher Consciousness.

The topic for our next meeting this Monday is: “Energy and Alternative Healing.” Rosemary and I will present some of the approaches we’ve explored and had success with; please come prepared to offer your thoughts and approaches you may have tried.

And please remember we gather for open discussion; we leave our dogma at home!

We hope to see you Monday, the 4th, at Little Nepal!

The Spiritual Exploration Group is set to meet on September 13, 2010 at Little Nepal Restaurant

No, the 13th is not the “First Monday” – our usual day for meeting. But since Labor Day happens to be on the first Monday of September (as usual!) we thought we’d move to the second Monday to give everyone (including ourselves) a nice long weekend!

Our topic for September should generate some lively discussion; it is “How do you live your spirituality?” What are your practices? How do you put into action what you believe about life, spirit, the unknown? Rosemary and I will offer what works for us, the things that we’ve tried that haven’t worked so well, what we are studying, new practices we are exploring. And we hope you will be willing to share with us your ideas and thoughts on this broad topic.

We will gather as usual at Little Nepal at 6:30 pm for a light, tasty (maybe even vegetarian) Indian dinner, meaty discussion, but we’ll leave the dogma at home!

Blessings and joy!

The Spiritual Exploration Group is set to meet on August 2, 2010 at Little Nepal Restaurant

The First Monday comes early this month on the 2nd. Please plan to join us for our monthly meeting at Little Nepal restaurant at 6:30 pm for “discussion not dogma”!

Through the past several months we have explored various tools for self-discovery and understanding. This month’s topic is “What do your numbers reveal?” – the ancient examination of various significant numbers that are associated with your name and date of birth. We will offer ways to derive these numbers and then explore what they may mean to you.

Please plan to join us for exploration, good discussion and likely some laughs as we examine our numerology.

The Spiritual Exploration Group meets next on June 7, 2010, Little Nepal Restaurant, 6:30 pm

Happy Memorial Day! It’s the end of the month and we are now well into summer. We had some really nice warm days last week, a taste of things to come.  Today is an awesome weather day; this is what makes Colorado so special!

We are a week away from the next meeting of our group. I do hope you can join us next Monday for great food and even better discussion. Our topic for June is Angels, Spirit Guides and Other Beings. And who better to lead such a discussion than Rosemary, who is so often in touch with these “beings on The Other Side”?

I will be speeding toward Ojo Caliente as the discussion unfolds, going to help with the mudding of the adobe hall,The Lady, which houses Bolad’s Kitchen. I will attempt to join by phone but coverage along my route can be thin (just like that veil Rosemary sees through!).

Blessings for a powerful and meaningful discussion!

The Spiritual Exploration Group meets next on May 3, 2010, Little Nepal Restaurant, 6:30 pm

The rapid passage of time has brought us within a week of meeting again! Our “first Monday” is next Monday and we hope you can make it. Our topic this month should create some interesting discussion; it is:
Good/Evil, Heaven/Hell, God/Devil!
What are these polar constructs? Are they emanations of our dualistic way of thinking about the world and ourselves? Is there any reality at all in these constructs? Where did the whole concept of Hell come from? Why would a “loving God” condemn people to an everlasting punishment by “hell-fire”? Is there a way to move beyond these rather primitive ideas and view the world and human consciousness in the world more holistically?

Also, I’d like to note that this will be our 13th topic since beginning the Spiritual Exploration Group in April 2009 (a formative meeting) and beginning discussions of specific topics that May. We are soliciting new topics which you may wish to cover in the next months. Please either post them here as a comment or come to our May meeting prepared to offer up some thoughts. We’ll begin our discussion Monday by sharing some ideas for future topics. (Previous topics can be reviewed through the postings on this blog.)

The Next Meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group Is Set for Monday, April 5, 6:30 pm at Little Nepal Restaurant

And the topic for the evening is: What’s All This Hype about 2012? What’s the Basis for it and What Do We Think Might Happen?

There is so much out there on this topic: movies have been made (there will probably be more); some may feel fear around this topic (fear can be a useful tool for the powerful to control others); we seem unable to escape from the talk, the speculation, the hype.

Where did this date come from? Why does it seem so important and demand so much attention? Come explore with us at the usual time and place.

See you there!

The Next Meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group Is Set for Monday, March 1, 6:30 pm at Little Nepal Restaurant

During our February meeting we had a lively discussion on The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Scientific Efforts and Personal Experience. The discussion was very well attended and everyone participated with enthusiasm.

Rosemary introduced the subject by summarizing our experience at the Fine Arts Center when Dr. David Grinspoon, Curator of Astrobiology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, spoke about the possibility of “extraterrestrial art.”  Science is discovering through the power of ever-farther-seeing telescopes that most if not all stars host planetary systems. With the “billions and billions” of stars in the Universe and therefore billions and billions of planets the odds grow increasingly high that terrestrial-like planets hosting life exist out there! The odds that we humans are the only intelligent life in the Universe grow increasingly small.

And then there are personal experiences of phenomena that relate to “close encounters of the third kind”!

Here are some of the highlights from the group:

  1. Time shifting – a 25 minute trip from Colorado Springs to Denver
  2. Disappearing book – “Stranger at the Pentagon” by Dr. Frank E. Stranges vanished and could not be replaced for several years. Now Amazon has it available from third parties.
  3. Bright objects following cars – there were two reports of this phenomena
  4. UFOs in photos – some taken by our members
  5. High activity over Scotland – for recent status information and reports see:
  6. The HAARP Project – what is it and has it created weather issues? For the official site see: and for juicier info:
  7. Crop circles – are these messages from ETs? There is no good explanation for their creation. There was one report of a crop circle appearance in response to a radio-telescope signal – are we getting answers but just not listening?  These are awesome creations; from on-the-ground witnesses, the energy inside these circles can be strongly felt. Crop yields in the area of the circles increase. For more information just google “crop circles” – there are many awesome pictures and videos to be seen, some with good commentary.
  8. Clouds in the same patterns as the crop circles – if we don’t get the messages from the ground can we perhaps read them in the sky?
  9. The appearance of orbs – are these further signs of other dimensions attempting to contact us? There seems to be a connection between orbs and crop cirlces.
  10. Abductions by aliens – there is startling conformity across all the stories of people who claim they were abducted. Hypnosis seems to confirm the unusual events, experiences and repeating patterns.
  11. And what about other visitations?  Is there a connection between other dimensional encounters and what some claim to be ghosts?

Well, we clearly had fun with this topic and we could have gone on discussing it well past closing time for Little Nepal! And there is a serious side to this discussion as well: we are likely “not alone.” And it is also likely that we are being contacted by “others” – let us hope they bring some clarity and peace to our next steps as a human species!

Our next gathering should prove to be just as interesting as our February topic was. Join us same time, same place on March 1 when we will discuss: Past Lives: Meaningful, Metaphor or Myth.

And, as a preview for our April meeting, which will be held on April 5, the topic will be What’s All This Hype about 2012? What’s the Basis for it and What Do We Think Might Happen? We are announcing this early in case you want to do some advanced research.

Blessings! We hope to see you soon.
Richard and Rosemary

The Next Meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group Is Set for Monday, February 1, 6:30 pm at Little Nepal Restaurant

The First Monday of February, February 1, is this coming Monday!  And that means it’s that time of the month again for us to gather at Little Nepal Restaurant to enjoy some good company, good food and good discussion! And the topic for this month is a good one: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Scientific Efforts and Personal Experience.

Have you had an experience?  Please come and share it. Are you interested in the scientific approach to the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (Project SETI)?  Here’s something to put on the calendar:

Lecture by Noted Astrobiologist

Saturday, Jan. 30 | 2 p.m. at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Hear Dr. David Grinspoon, Curator of Astrobiology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, this Saturday, Jan. 30. Grinspoon studies Earthlike planets with a focus on possible environments for extraterrestrial life. He is a frequent advisor to NASA, and is on the science team for NASA’s next Mars rover.

Buy tickets online or at the door:

$5 FAC members | $7 non-members

You’ll probably see us there.

And join us Monday evening for a fascinating discussion. Both Rosemary and I have had our “close encounters.” We’d like to hear about yours! And we’d like to hear what you think these encounters mean to us, especially from a spiritual perspective!

Next meeting of the Spiritual Exploration Group set for November 2, 2009

It was a beautiful Halloween day and night and here we are celebrating All Hallows Day in spring like weather! Rosemary and I just returned from our Sundays at The Center celebration. Rosemary channeled an incredible message from The Divine Feminine about living in the light and peering through the veil: “Into the Light, Through the Veil.” The message was very clear so the veil is indeed, very thin during this special time! And we recorded both the message and the meditation today; so, stay tuned on how to get your copy.

Continuing our theme for this season we will be discussing “Death, Dying and What Comes Next” during our gathering tomorrow night. As the veil remains thin and the moon grows full (Monday at 12:14 pm MST) we will be in energy that will blow open our receptors and give us clarity about these deeply mysterious crossings.

We do hope you can join us, at the usual place ( and time (6:30 pm MST). We look forward to your thoughts, experiences, and understandings!

And for a few “commercials”:

Rosemary is hosting “Conversations with The Other Side” tonight, 7:00 pm, at The Center for Powerful Living. You can still register on the website or just give us a call to let us know you are coming; there are still a few chairs available.

Sundays at The Center continue every Sunday at 11:00 am at The Center for Powerful Living.

Hold the date:  Rosemary is hosting a free “Tuning in to 2010” teleconference on November 19 at 6:00 pm MST. Registration for this call will be required; stay tuned for details.

And this is new:  Rosemary and I have a new office located at The Center for Powerful Living. We are celebrating this expansion with an open house on Saturday, November 21 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. Come see our new space, visit with friends and make some new ones! We’ll have some good munchies too, including my famous smoked salmon.

Discussion Topic for the October Meeting

One of the more interesting topics we generated during our first meeting in April is:

“Energy – what is it and how does it connect us? Where does it go when we die, and is there an energized afterlife?”

Energy Work came up as one of the tools for self-discovery and development we talked about during our September meeting.  But what is this thing we call Energy? And here I’m not necessarily talking about the physics of thermodynamics! Chi or Qi is a form of energy many of us are in touch with. Is this the same as electrical, heat, or light energy?

Please join us for a lively discussion. And, as always, this is about discussion, not dogma!

We will gather at 6:30 pm, October 5, 2009, at Little Nepal Restaurant, 1747 S 8th Street Colorado Springs, CO 80905 – (719) 477-6997.