The Spiritual Exploration Group is set to meet on August 2, 2010 at Little Nepal Restaurant

The First Monday comes early this month on the 2nd. Please plan to join us for our monthly meeting at Little Nepal restaurant at 6:30 pm for “discussion not dogma”!

Through the past several months we have explored various tools for self-discovery and understanding. This month’s topic is “What do your numbers reveal?” – the ancient examination of various significant numbers that are associated with your name and date of birth. We will offer ways to derive these numbers and then explore what they may mean to you.

Please plan to join us for exploration, good discussion and likely some laughs as we examine our numerology.

Notes from the July 12, 2010 meeting of the Spiritual Exploration Group

The topic for this meeting was “A Surprise”! Rosemary didn’t even share this with me leading up to our Monday evening gathering. And she held our subject quite close until she handed out cards with a short paragraph she had written on each while we gathered and ordered our meals.

She then revealed that our topic was “Past Lives” and that she had intuited and written a brief description of a past life for each of us that she had tapped into! She was quick to add that she had obtained permission from our Higher Selves to do this. We then talked a bit in general about the whole notion of past lives and their meaning and value to us in this life. We all shared these ideas:

It can be useful to consider past life experiences; they can help us understand our current relationships informing us of how we handled conflict in the past or how a great love of the past adds understanding to our current love relationships.

They can shed light on our karmic patterns and relationships; karma is spirit operating to bring us lessons in this life. It is speeding up bringing us those lessons at a faster rate.

And it doesn’t really matter whether we consider past lives to be real, metaphorical, archetypal, or the collective consciousness at work in each of us. The investigation into past lives can be informative to our present lives.

We then shared with the group the past life Rosemary had tapped into for each of us. By way of example I will share mine:

“A pirate who brought on board men who had nowhere to go, inspiring great loyalty.”

Make of that what you will!

Our August meeting is set for the First Monday, August 2 at Little Nepal restaurant at 6:30 pm.