The Spiritual Exploration Group meets next on June 7, 2010, Little Nepal Restaurant, 6:30 pm

Happy Memorial Day! It’s the end of the month and we are now well into summer. We had some really nice warm days last week, a taste of things to come.  Today is an awesome weather day; this is what makes Colorado so special!

We are a week away from the next meeting of our group. I do hope you can join us next Monday for great food and even better discussion. Our topic for June is Angels, Spirit Guides and Other Beings. And who better to lead such a discussion than Rosemary, who is so often in touch with these “beings on The Other Side”?

I will be speeding toward Ojo Caliente as the discussion unfolds, going to help with the mudding of the adobe hall,The Lady, which houses Bolad’s Kitchen. I will attempt to join by phone but coverage along my route can be thin (just like that veil Rosemary sees through!).

Blessings for a powerful and meaningful discussion!