The Spiritual Exploration Group meets next on May 3, 2010, Little Nepal Restaurant, 6:30 pm

The rapid passage of time has brought us within a week of meeting again! Our “first Monday” is next Monday and we hope you can make it. Our topic this month should create some interesting discussion; it is:
Good/Evil, Heaven/Hell, God/Devil!
What are these polar constructs? Are they emanations of our dualistic way of thinking about the world and ourselves? Is there any reality at all in these constructs? Where did the whole concept of Hell come from? Why would a “loving God” condemn people to an everlasting punishment by “hell-fire”? Is there a way to move beyond these rather primitive ideas and view the world and human consciousness in the world more holistically?

Also, I’d like to note that this will be our 13th topic since beginning the Spiritual Exploration Group in April 2009 (a formative meeting) and beginning discussions of specific topics that May. We are soliciting new topics which you may wish to cover in the next months. Please either post them here as a comment or come to our May meeting prepared to offer up some thoughts. We’ll begin our discussion Monday by sharing some ideas for future topics. (Previous topics can be reviewed through the postings on this blog.)

7 Responses to “The Spiritual Exploration Group meets next on May 3, 2010, Little Nepal Restaurant, 6:30 pm”

  1. Rosemary Bredeson Says:

    Thanks for all the comments!

    @Robin – We don’t formally study A Course in Miracles but many of the concepts are included in our discussions. We offer ‘Discussion, Not Dogma’ so people are accepted and supported no matter what particular beliefs they bring to the discussion. No dogmatic preaching for us!

    And we would love to have you join us in Colorado Springs for one of our offerings. Check out the calendar at
    and while you’re there download the free mediation audio.

  2. surfgrl62 Says:

    I am very interested in the Center and your offerings. I am wondering how a Course in Miracles fits into what you do and if you have a study group? I would love to participate one of these groups at some point. Robin

  3. Christine McIvor Says:

    Sounds like your group has some very deep discussions. This is definitely food for thought.

  4. Heidi Alexandra Pollard Says:

    Hi Rosemary thought provoking words – thanks for sharing. I find it most interesting how as a society we continually believe that the dicotomy is the only way everything is black or white, right or wrong, so many of us forget to look for the possibility of the shades of grey.
    All the best Heidi Alexandra

  5. Terry Monaghan Says:

    Wow – interesting what happens when a letter is moved.

  6. Dr. Robert Fenell Says:

    Wow give us lots to think about:)
    Dr. Robert Fenell

  7. Mitch Tublin Says:

    Hi Rosemary,
    Great photos, good to see you.

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