The Next Meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group Is Set for Monday, February 1, 6:30 pm at Little Nepal Restaurant

The First Monday of February, February 1, is this coming Monday!  And that means it’s that time of the month again for us to gather at Little Nepal Restaurant to enjoy some good company, good food and good discussion! And the topic for this month is a good one: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Scientific Efforts and Personal Experience.

Have you had an experience?  Please come and share it. Are you interested in the scientific approach to the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (Project SETI)?  Here’s something to put on the calendar:

Lecture by Noted Astrobiologist

Saturday, Jan. 30 | 2 p.m. at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Hear Dr. David Grinspoon, Curator of Astrobiology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, this Saturday, Jan. 30. Grinspoon studies Earthlike planets with a focus on possible environments for extraterrestrial life. He is a frequent advisor to NASA, and is on the science team for NASA’s next Mars rover.

Buy tickets online or at the door:

$5 FAC members | $7 non-members

You’ll probably see us there.

And join us Monday evening for a fascinating discussion. Both Rosemary and I have had our “close encounters.” We’d like to hear about yours! And we’d like to hear what you think these encounters mean to us, especially from a spiritual perspective!

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