New Year, New Decade, … , New You?

We are approaching the half-way point in the first month of 2010. Are you reorganizing, preparing, shifting, keeping to those resolutions? Rosemary and I are in the midst of plans, budgets, coaching, being coached, learning, expressing, offering, considering…it seems an endless set of tasks we’ve committed to but we are moving. We are sensing a huge energy shift; and we are responding. There is a newness in everything we are doing and everything we are encountering. And it’s all GOOD!

We started off the year with a Celebration of Spirit at our Sundays at the Center on January 3rd. We celebrate every Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm at The Center for Powerful Living. Many of us come early to share a cup of tea. Many of us stay late to discuss the day’s teaching, the Mystic Message Rosemary channels from The Divine Feminine, the meditation, the whole experience.

And the Spiritual Exploration Group met on Monday evening, January 4, the First Monday of the first month of the new decade. Our discussion topic was “Earth Centered Spirituality.” We discussed the meaning of paganism and the origins of that term. Many look at it as a derogatory word; but it’s original Latin meaning was simply “an inhabitant of a country community, civilian.”  We shared various cultures’ approaches and celebrations of spirituality we have experienced or learned about, including Huna from Hawaii, Native American ceremony, shamanism, and other indigenous practices and beliefs. We concluded that an excellent practice is to look at “otherness” as a positive quality rather than something to fear or reject without examination.

We continue gathering every Sunday at The Center for Powerful Living at 11:00 am for celebration and sharing in Spirit. And we continue to meet as the Spiritual Exploration Group at Little Nepal restaurant the first Monday of every month at 6:30 pm. Please visit this blog often for updates, discussion, announcements, and “dialog without dogma.”

And please join in the discussion…leave a comment!

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