Next meeting of the Spiritual Exploration Group set for November 2, 2009

It was a beautiful Halloween day and night and here we are celebrating All Hallows Day in spring like weather! Rosemary and I just returned from our Sundays at The Center celebration. Rosemary channeled an incredible message from The Divine Feminine about living in the light and peering through the veil: “Into the Light, Through the Veil.” The message was very clear so the veil is indeed, very thin during this special time! And we recorded both the message and the meditation today; so, stay tuned on how to get your copy.

Continuing our theme for this season we will be discussing “Death, Dying and What Comes Next” during our gathering tomorrow night. As the veil remains thin and the moon grows full (Monday at 12:14 pm MST) we will be in energy that will blow open our receptors and give us clarity about these deeply mysterious crossings.

We do hope you can join us, at the usual place ( and time (6:30 pm MST). We look forward to your thoughts, experiences, and understandings!

And for a few “commercials”:

Rosemary is hosting “Conversations with The Other Side” tonight, 7:00 pm, at The Center for Powerful Living. You can still register on the website or just give us a call to let us know you are coming; there are still a few chairs available.

Sundays at The Center continue every Sunday at 11:00 am at The Center for Powerful Living.

Hold the date:  Rosemary is hosting a free “Tuning in to 2010” teleconference on November 19 at 6:00 pm MST. Registration for this call will be required; stay tuned for details.

And this is new:  Rosemary and I have a new office located at The Center for Powerful Living. We are celebrating this expansion with an open house on Saturday, November 21 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. Come see our new space, visit with friends and make some new ones! We’ll have some good munchies too, including my famous smoked salmon.

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