Sundays at The Center – Update for 10/25/2009

We had a beautiful celebration of the Spirit today. The main theme was “The Energy of Affirmations.” Rosemary channeled a message from The Divine Feminine and guided us through a meditation to find the seeds of affirmations that are right for us now in this moment on our soul journeys and empowering for the development of our human potential. As we ended the meditation to move into chant the snow began to fall in affirmation of the work we had done and to celebrate our movement along our paths.

Next Sunday we will be celebrating the many shifts that occur during this time. It is All Saints Day, All Hallows Day, we will begin the Celtic New Year, we will be shifting our clocks to standard time,  and we’ll be doing all of this in Full Moon energy. Join us to celebrate these shifts and to hear from Rosemary, The Voice of the Divine Feminine, as she channels what They would have us hear.

We are recording these messages from The Divine Feminine, so stay tuned for the way to access them.  And notice the waxing of the moon this week, moving to fullness on November 2nd. If you are really interested in the moon cycle, Rosemary’s message about how to work with the energy of the moon is available on her website:

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