Discussion Topic for the October Meeting

One of the more interesting topics we generated during our first meeting in April is:

“Energy – what is it and how does it connect us? Where does it go when we die, and is there an energized afterlife?”

Energy Work came up as one of the tools for self-discovery and development we talked about during our September meeting.  But what is this thing we call Energy? And here I’m not necessarily talking about the physics of thermodynamics! Chi or Qi is a form of energy many of us are in touch with. Is this the same as electrical, heat, or light energy?

Please join us for a lively discussion. And, as always, this is about discussion, not dogma!

We will gather at 6:30 pm, October 5, 2009, at Little Nepal Restaurant, 1747 S 8th Street Colorado Springs, CO 80905 – (719) 477-6997.

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