We hope you are all doing really well and enjoying this incredible and long anticipated 2012! Are you experiencing transformation? It seems to be coming to us in big ways!

We wanted to close out our 2011 year and share with you the ending financial status of our “Church” to which many of you generously contributed through the year. For those of you who made contributions by check we have sent individual statements for tax purposes. For the group here’s how we closed the year:

Contributions received totaled $269.

And we chose to make a donation of $50 from those funds to a very worthy cause; you may want to read about our friend, Susan Jacobi and her foundation here:

Susan’s story is about her remarkable journey of survival, recovery and action!

Posts to this blog will be suspended for now. Our two Colorado communities, The Spiritual Exploration Group and Sundays at The Center have been closed as we make our move eastward.

All blessings and love!

Rosemary and Richard

P.S. I am now publishing a daily video message of inspiriation for Conscious Living: The Daily Muse. Each message is a short 1-2 minute “musing” to help you start the day! You can subscribe to this FREE service here:

And in case you are not receiving my free weekly Newsletter: Wisdom Connections you can subscribe at the website.

We do hope we will stay connected!

Notes from Our July Meeting on “Pride and Prejudice: What is the Ego?”

For our July meeting our topic was Pride and Prejudice: What is the Ego? We had a great discussion that included the definitions of ego, id, and super-ego as first identified by Sigmund Freud, and then we discussed the relationships among the ego, soul and spirit of individuals.

Part of the conversation was recorded and is included here:  Click the link to the audio file:  SEG recording-07112011

This is a 42-minute MP3 file which captured most of the presentation and discussion. Rosemary also drew a couple of diagrams during the discussion. One  illustrates the relationships among Conscious Mind, Unconscious Mind and Higher Conscious Mind. And the second relates the Soul, Spirit and Ego. I’ve included these as reference:

During the discussion we explored the influence of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama on the world. A couple of good movies about him were mentioned; these are:

Kundun: Click here for info

and Seven Years in TibetClick here for info

Our next meeting is scheduled for August 1, 2011 at Little Nepal Restaurant   And the topic is: Are Extra-Terrestrials Really “Extra”?


Notes from the June 1, 2011 meeting

We had a great meeting last evening; we met early in the month since we are leaving on travel this weekend. Our topic, New Thought, generated a lot of good discussion! Here are some Wikipedia key words and notes on the topic to share with the group:

New Thought  Background
Berkeleyan idealism
Four Gospels
Doctrinal distinctives
God is omnipresent
Spirit is ultimate
Humans are truly divine
Positive thinking
Disease originates in the mind
Right thinking heals
Historic people   
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Warren Felt Evans,
Emma Curtis Hopkins, Ernest Holmes,
Charles Fillmore, Myrtle Fillmore,
Malinda Cramer, Nona L. Brooks,
Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles,
Perry Joseph Green, Frank Channing Haddock,
Thomas Troward, William Walker Atkinson,
Elizabeth Towne
Largest groups
Centers for Spiritual Living
Church of Divine Science
Denominations and independent centers
Religious Science
The New Thought Movement or New Thought is a spiritual movement which developed in the United States during the late 19th century and emphasizes metaphysical beliefs. It consists of a loosely allied group of religious denominations, secular membership organizations, authors, philosophers, and individuals who share a set of metaphysical beliefs concerning the effects of positive thinking, the law of attraction, healing, life force, creative visualization, and personal power. It promotes the ideas that “Infinite Intelligence” or “God” is ubiquitous, spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, all sickness originates in the mind, and ‘right thinking’ has a healing effect.
Although New Thought is neither monolithic nor doctrinaire, in general modern day adherents of New Thought believe that their interpretation of “God” or “Infinite Intelligence” is “supreme, universal, and everlasting”, that divinity dwells within each person and that all people are spiritual beings, that “the highest spiritual principle [is] loving one another unconditionally . . . and teaching and healing one another”, and that “our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living”.

The three major religious denominations within the New Thought movement are Religious Science, Unity Church and the Church of Divine Science. There are many other smaller sects under the New Thought umbrella as well.

During our discussion on this broad topic we referred to a couple of books by Shirley Maclaine; here are two titles mentioned: 
Richard described Shirley’s book about her pilgrimage along the Camino in Spain; here’s an Amazon link to it:

And Judith mentioned another of Shirley’s books: It’s all in the Playing
In the course of our discussion Hinduism came up a few times. We have been following an Indian Holy Woman, Sri Karunamayi (Amma) for many years. She is coming to Denver in June and we plan to see her on Friday, June 24. Here is a link to her schedule while she is in Colorado: Sri Karunamayi
Our next “First” Monday Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 11th, at 6:30 pm at Little Nepal! (Please note the date change so we can celebrate the 4th “independently.”
If you have a suggested topic for our July meeting please leave a comment on this post.


Rosemary and Richard
PS: at the close of the meeting Rosemary announced the availability of the book: Get Your Woman On! on June 16. Rosemary is a co-author. Look for an announcement later in the month and please consider purchasing it from Amazon to support these fabulous women in their transformational work!

Notes from the February 2011 Spiritual Exploration Group; Topic: “What’s Beyond the Three Dimensions?”

Greetings everyone!

It has been a while since I posted an update here. But since I have a couple of audio files to offer you, I thought this would be a good way to distribute them.

Our February topic was a good one; Rosemary did some initial teaching from guidance of new teachers she is receiving recently. And because some of our members were out of town they asked that we record this session. That recording was cut short after about 48 minutes but the major piece of the teaching is available. Unfortunately much of the discussion following the teaching was lost.

While we agreed at the meeting to send the recording only to those in attendance, since we only captured the teaching I am sending it to our entire list.

Here is a summary of what we discussed:

Rosemary has begun to receive teachings from a new source for her, the “Sirius Mystery Temple Teachings.” She read from the channeled material given to her from the Temple Teachings (ref. recording). The teachings at the present are about the 5th dimension, Consciousness. Enjoy the recording!


Part of the discussion revolved around crystals and their vibrational energy. The book referenced as an excellent resource  is:

LOVE IS IN THE EARTH: The Crystal & Mineral Encyclopedia–The LIITE Fantastic, The Last Testament by Melody

During the discussion Cynthia was reminded of one of her favorite songs, “Unring the Bell” by Gov’t Mule. It seemed to fit the concept well, and I’ve included the song here:


Lyrics to Unring The Bell :

Where is your freedom
Is it buried in the earth (I especially like this line: “buried in the earth” — like crystals!
Tell me is it growing
Or is it losing it’s worth
And where were all your people when they burned your building down
Too busy fighting their own war in their own town 

Unring the bell, it’s time, it’s time
Take back what we had, it’s yours and mine

Shadows of evil cast like giants on the wall
Do you even know how many people you appall
And where are all those people on whose backs you climbed
Too busy saving their own skin and their own kind

Unring the bell, it’s time, it’s time
Take back what we had, it’s yours and mine

New Jim Crow, different shades of brown
Blood spills red on ancient hallowed ground

Flying machines send missiles to the moon
While Babylon is burning in the pale afternoon

Unring the bell, it’s time, it’s time
Take back what we had, it’s yours and mine

Fake liberty is just another form of hate
Unring the bell before it’s too late

Where is your freedom
Is it buried in the earth
Tell me is it growing
Or is it losing it’s worth
And where were all your people when they burned your building down
Too busy fighting their own war in their own town 

Unring the bell, it’s time, it’s time
Take back what we had, it’s yours and mine

Shadows of evil cast like giants on the wall
Do you even know how many people you appall
And where are all those people on whose backs you climbed
Too busy saving their own skin and their own kind

Unring the bell, it’s time, it’s time
Take back what we had, it’s yours and mine

New Jim Crow, different shades of brown
Blood spills red on ancient hallowed ground

Flying machines send missiles to the moon
While Babylon is burning in the pale afternoon

Unring the bell, it’s time, it’s time
Take back what we had, it’s yours and mine

Fake liberty is just another form of hate
Unring the bell before it’s too late.

Our meeting next month is scheduled for March 7, 2011; same time & same place. I’ll send out an announcement in a few days.
Topic: Channeling from Beyond the Four Dimensions
Hope to see you next month!

The Next Meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group Is Set for Monday, October 4, 6:30 pm at Little Nepal Restaurant

Last month we explored various methods and means of Spiritual Practice. It was a great discussion and we covered a range of ways people access Spirit, Self, Higher Consciousness.

The topic for our next meeting this Monday is: “Energy and Alternative Healing.” Rosemary and I will present some of the approaches we’ve explored and had success with; please come prepared to offer your thoughts and approaches you may have tried.

And please remember we gather for open discussion; we leave our dogma at home!

We hope to see you Monday, the 4th, at Little Nepal!

The Spiritual Exploration Group is set to meet on September 13, 2010 at Little Nepal Restaurant

No, the 13th is not the “First Monday” – our usual day for meeting. But since Labor Day happens to be on the first Monday of September (as usual!) we thought we’d move to the second Monday to give everyone (including ourselves) a nice long weekend!

Our topic for September should generate some lively discussion; it is “How do you live your spirituality?” What are your practices? How do you put into action what you believe about life, spirit, the unknown? Rosemary and I will offer what works for us, the things that we’ve tried that haven’t worked so well, what we are studying, new practices we are exploring. And we hope you will be willing to share with us your ideas and thoughts on this broad topic.

We will gather as usual at Little Nepal at 6:30 pm for a light, tasty (maybe even vegetarian) Indian dinner, meaty discussion, but we’ll leave the dogma at home!

Blessings and joy!

Notes from the August 2, 2010 meeting of The Spiritual Exploration Group

Our group gathered on August 2, 2010 at Little Nepal restaurant. And, the topic of the evening was “What do your numbers reveal?” We had fun learning how to determine our Life Path and Destiny numbers from our birthdays and full birth names, respectively. This is a particularly fun exploration for Rosemary and me since we share a birthday, in fact, August 2nd!

We first determined how to compute our Life Paths from our birthdays. We distributed forms to make this really easy. I’ve included a copy of the form here in case you were unable to attend or you would like to work with it again:  NUMEROLOGY WORKSHEET (Just click on the link to download the form into MS Word) (And here is another link to a PDF version of the document:  NUMEROLOGY WORKSHEET.PDF)

The main reference book we used to explore each of the profiles for the resulting numbers is: “Numerology: Universal Vibrations of Numbers” by Barbara J. Bishop. Rosemary’s favorite book (packed away with all of our Maryland books) is “Your Days are Numbered: A Manual of Numerology for Everybody” by Florence Campbell.  Of course, with a topic so ancient and broad there are many good reference books available. Please post some of your favorites!

Our next meeting is scheduled for the Second Monday (allowing for Labor Day); we will meet on September 13, 2010, at 6:30 at Little Nepal Restaurant, for dinner, discussion, but no dogma!

The Spiritual Exploration Group is set to meet on August 2, 2010 at Little Nepal Restaurant

The First Monday comes early this month on the 2nd. Please plan to join us for our monthly meeting at Little Nepal restaurant at 6:30 pm for “discussion not dogma”!

Through the past several months we have explored various tools for self-discovery and understanding. This month’s topic is “What do your numbers reveal?” – the ancient examination of various significant numbers that are associated with your name and date of birth. We will offer ways to derive these numbers and then explore what they may mean to you.

Please plan to join us for exploration, good discussion and likely some laughs as we examine our numerology.

Notes from the July 12, 2010 meeting of the Spiritual Exploration Group

The topic for this meeting was “A Surprise”! Rosemary didn’t even share this with me leading up to our Monday evening gathering. And she held our subject quite close until she handed out cards with a short paragraph she had written on each while we gathered and ordered our meals.

She then revealed that our topic was “Past Lives” and that she had intuited and written a brief description of a past life for each of us that she had tapped into! She was quick to add that she had obtained permission from our Higher Selves to do this. We then talked a bit in general about the whole notion of past lives and their meaning and value to us in this life. We all shared these ideas:

It can be useful to consider past life experiences; they can help us understand our current relationships informing us of how we handled conflict in the past or how a great love of the past adds understanding to our current love relationships.

They can shed light on our karmic patterns and relationships; karma is spirit operating to bring us lessons in this life. It is speeding up bringing us those lessons at a faster rate.

And it doesn’t really matter whether we consider past lives to be real, metaphorical, archetypal, or the collective consciousness at work in each of us. The investigation into past lives can be informative to our present lives.

We then shared with the group the past life Rosemary had tapped into for each of us. By way of example I will share mine:

“A pirate who brought on board men who had nowhere to go, inspiring great loyalty.”

Make of that what you will!

Our August meeting is set for the First Monday, August 2 at Little Nepal restaurant at 6:30 pm.

The Spiritual Exploration Group meets next on June 7, 2010, Little Nepal Restaurant, 6:30 pm

Happy Memorial Day! It’s the end of the month and we are now well into summer. We had some really nice warm days last week, a taste of things to come.  Today is an awesome weather day; this is what makes Colorado so special!

We are a week away from the next meeting of our group. I do hope you can join us next Monday for great food and even better discussion. Our topic for June is Angels, Spirit Guides and Other Beings. And who better to lead such a discussion than Rosemary, who is so often in touch with these “beings on The Other Side”?

I will be speeding toward Ojo Caliente as the discussion unfolds, going to help with the mudding of the adobe hall,The Lady, which houses Bolad’s Kitchen. I will attempt to join by phone but coverage along my route can be thin (just like that veil Rosemary sees through!).

Blessings for a powerful and meaningful discussion!